The class consists of volunteering and writing reflections afterwards. It is a fun way to get involved in the Harrisonburg community while also getting credits for it. You volunteer a few times over the semester, during class time, with the rest of your peers. This is a community-service based class where students can earn 1-3 credits while volunteering in our local community. ISAT 280- Projects in ISAT (Community Service) I have no doubt that every student in her classes receives an A, while also enjoying themselves.ģ. There is also tons of group work making it really easy to make friends in your class. However, this woman made the class a breeze, while also keeping it interesting and low stress. I took Cindy for a physical science lab for teaching majors, and was nervous coming in because science has never been my forte. She doesn’t give ANY tests or quizzes, and lectures consist mostly of interactive activity and discussion, She treats each and every student like one of her own, in a grandmother-ly loving way. for students to eat during class, and I’m not talking about one of these options, she brings them ALL. She brings snacks such as candy, fruit snacks, granola bars, gold fish, cookies etc. This woman is without a doubt the most caring, bubbly and upbeat professor you will ever have at JMU. ISCI 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 171, 172, 173, basically any Integrated Science and Technology course as long as it is with Cynthia Klevickis. So channel your inner Picasso and appreciate art in all it’s forms!Ģ. It will consist of far less memorization, reading and long study hours than one of the art history courses, a popular other choice for this cluster.

There should be minimal papers and very straightforward tests. The quizzes typically include matching and labeling photos, but it is an introductory level course and doesn’t require any extensive artistic research. You will learn about general, cultural space arts, such as architecture, painting, sculpture and industrial design. This course is given as an option to fulfill gen-ed cluster two, visual and performing arts. But, what if you didn’t have to work as hard this semester? Whether you’re looking for a GPA booster or just a little something to lighten your course load, these easy courses at James Madison University will help you play hard, without the 50 page readings and long nights in Carrier. All undergraduate students get frustrated when forced to put in hours of work for a seemingly pointless gen-ed, in a subject that’s irrelevant to your major, and won’t help you in the “real world.” Yes, we’ve all been well warned that “college is hard,” and have become accustomed to living the “work hard, play hard” lifestyle.